Above: First floor plan and roof level plan
Above: Structural system: The arrangement of pilotis from a regular grid--> altered-for-living grid. The pilotis--> free facade, free plan and ribbon windows
Above: Relationship between major parts of house: sections showing key role of ramp and stairs in linking main parts together and for the house as a whole.
Ramp: experience, open, public, entry--> sky.
Stairs: functional, enclosed, private, exitway--> earth.
Storyboard sketches: ramp creates an architectural promenade and experience through main areas of house, especially to and from the garden.
Smaller plans show distribution of horizontal planes and inbuilt furniture built for living: "a CONTAINER for living."
Relationship to landscape: The Villa Savoye is an elevated slab, a CONTAINER for life with the garden contained/at its heart. Due to the power of the human mind in advancing technology and the modern world, man's way of living is both elevated above and existing wholly with nature- between the earth and sky.